引用本文:王晓娟 王鹏远 崔妮 成黎霏 顾宜.《口腔临床药物学》课程设置的思考[J].中华医学教育探索杂志,2014,13(1):38-40
Reflection on course arrangement in the course of clinical pharmacy for stomatology
中文关键词:  口腔临床药物学  课程设置  模块教学  结合临床
英文关键词:Clinical pharmacy for stomatology  Curriculum integration  Teaching module  Combinng with clinics
王晓娟 王鹏远 崔妮 成黎霏 顾宜 Department of Pharmacy School of Stoma-tology the Fourth Military Medical University 
摘要点击次数: 4119
全文下载次数: 1775
      The original teaching of clinical pharmacy for stomatology course did not let students aware of the importance of drugs in the treatment of oral diseases. The original teaching framework was rearranged: decentralizing knowledge of oral diseased related clinical pharmacy into several mod-ules; setting general knowledge into the oral basic medical module; adding the practice of visiting the pharmacy and manufacturing laboratory. Teaching process was closely combined with clinics and was integrated with disease-centered oral medicine curriculum integration system. Students responded that the teaching effect was better. The rearranged teaching method can enhance students' attention on drug treatment for oral diseases, improve their ability of clinical medication and promote the teaching quality.
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