引用本文:李彬寅 陈施吾 王刚.简易临床评估演练(Mini-CEX)在神经病学临床教学师生双向评估中的应用研究[J].中华医学教育探索杂志,2018,17(10):1037-1041
Application of Mini-Clinical evaluation exercise (Mini-CEX) in student-teacher interactive assess-ments in Clinical Neurology Teaching
中文关键词:  简易临床评估演练  神经病学  临床教学
英文关键词:Mini-clinical evaluation exercise (Mini-CEX)  Neurology  Medical education
李彬寅 陈施吾 王刚 Li Binyin, Chen Shiwu, Wang Gang 
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      目的 评估简易临床评估演练(Mini-CEX)在神经病学临床教学师生双向评估中的信效度,同时检验其对临床教学质量的影响。方法 84名临床医学专业八年制实习生与5名带教教师在教学查房结束后进行师生互评Mini-CEX。首先计算教师和学生Mini-CEX所有评估项目的Chronbach’s α系数,作为量表内部一致性指标。同时,计算Mini-CEX每一项目的得分与实习医生出科成绩的Spearman相关系数,以反映Mini-CEX项目的效度。结果 教师依据Mini-CEX表格对学生评分,5位教师所评量表Chronbach’s α系数为0.986,所有实习生所评量表的Chronbach’s α系数为0.968,该量表在双方互评过程中均存在较好信度。实习生的最终出科成绩与Mini-CEX每项评分(满意度)存在正相关,相关系数均大于0.75(P<0.05)。结论 采用Mini-CEX在神经病学临床教学中进行师生双向评估,发现Mini-CEX具有良好的信效度,有助于提升临床教学质量。
      Objective To explore the reliability and validity of mini-clinical evaluation exercise (Mini-CEX) in neurology education during student-teacher interactive procedures. Methods 84 eight-year interns of clinical medicine and 5 teachers were assessed by Mini-CEX after teaching rounds. We calculated Chronbach's α as index of reliability for all teachers and students. Additionally, the Spearman correlation coefficients between students' performance and score of Mini-CEX were assessed as validation. Results According to the Mini-CEX table, the Chronbach's α for all teachers' evaluation was 0.986, and 0.968 for all interns. Each item in Mini-CEX was positively related with final performance of students (correlation coefficients>0.75, P<0.05). Conclusion Mini-CEX was used to evaluate both teachers and students in clinical teaching of neurology, during which it was found that Mini-CEX had good reliability and validity, and was helpful to improve the quality of clinical teaching.
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