引用本文:刘孝美 彭文涛 伍晋辉.我国儿科护理教学研究现状的共词分析[J].中华医学教育探索杂志,2019,18(9):927-
Co-word analysis of current researches on pediatric nursing teaching in China
中文关键词:  儿科  护理教学  共词分析
英文关键词:Pediatrics  Nursing teaching  Co-word analysis
刘孝美 彭文涛 伍晋辉 四川大学华西第二医院儿童保健科/出生缺陷与相关妇儿疾病教育部重点实验室成都 610041 
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      目的 利用共词分析法对国内近5年儿科护理教学研究文献进行分析,探讨该领域的研究现状,为后续研究提供参考。方法 在中国知网、维普以及万方数据库以“儿科”“护理”“教学”为主题词,限定文献年限为2013至2017年,通过检索并纳入符合研究标准的文献,利用Bicomb 2对下载文献进行关键词统计和分析;利用Ucinet 6.0及Netdraw绘制共现分析图,将高频关键词之间的共现关系可视化。结果 共纳入文献396篇,提取高频关键词29个。目前国内儿科护理教学的研究热点集中在教学方式改革,尤其是PBL、CBL、情景模拟教学、临床路径教学等;其次,有关本科生、高职教学、教学质量的相关文献也相对较多;而有关中职教学、实验教学及人文关怀等方面研究相对较少。结论 现阶段我国儿科护理有关教学方式改革、教学质量评价、本科生教育等已取得一定成果,未来可深入分析各部分知识内容适用的教学方式方法,并加强中职教学、实验教学及人文关怀教学相关研究。
      Objective To investigate the current development status quo of child healthcare by analyzing Chinese literatures on pediatric nursing teaching published over the recent five years via co-word analyzing method. Methods Literatures published between 2013-2017 and had subject headings including "pediatrics", "nursing" and "teaching" were retrieved from the Chinese National Knowledge Integrated Database, VIP website and Wanfang Data; all included literatures were analyzed via Bicomb 2; keyword co-occurrence diagram was drawn using Ucinet 6.0 and Netdraw to visualize the co-occurrence relations among high-frequent words. Results A total of 396 literatures were included and 29 high-frequency keywords were extracted. Results showed that studies on pediatric nursing teaching in China focused on the teaching mode reform, especially PBL teaching method, CBL teaching method, situational simulation teaching method, clinical pathway teaching method, etc.; literatures on undergraduates, higher vocational education and teaching quality evaluation were more than those on secondary vocational education, experimental teaching and humanistic care. Conclusion Researches about pediatric nursing have made some progress in teaching reform, teaching quality evaluation and undergraduate education in China. In the future, we can further explore appropriate teaching mode for each part, and attach more attention to researches on secondary vocational education, experimental teaching and humanistic care teaching.
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