引用本文:徐子奇 徐阳 梁辉.“4+4”模式八年制临床医学专业神经病学临床实习带教探讨[J].中华医学教育探索杂志,2019,18(10):1002-1005
Exploration of clinical practice teaching for students in eight-year program in neurology (4+4 mode)
中文关键词:  模块教学  八年制临床医学专业  实习  云模型
英文关键词:Modular teaching  Medical students in 8-year program  Intern  Cloud model
徐子奇 徐阳 梁辉 浙江大学医学院附属第一医院神经内科 杭州 310009 
摘要点击次数: 3233
全文下载次数: 976
      Clinical students in 8-year program in the Zhejiang University School of Medicine carried out the "4+4" mode, namely, four undergraduate years of non-medical courses and four years of professional medical cultivation. During the professional cultivation, modular teaching of integrated medical courses was adopted for cultivating medical students with solid medical basis and broad thinking. With the background of integrated module of nerve, mind and exercise and according to students' characteristics and self-experience, teachers in neurology brought out measures focusing on "three basic courses" education when guiding students, diversifying teaching methods, utilizing Cloud Model to try new evaluation methods and so on, so as to cultivate more medical talents.
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