引用本文:徐世文1 刘京荆1 张曦宇1 朱亚如1 王丽敏1 陶雨春1 张作明1 那立欣1 聂义珍2 尹慧1.公共事业管理学生专业认同感现状及影响因素研究[J].中华医学教育探索杂志,2019,18(10):1058-1069
Current status of professional identity among undergraduates majoring in public affairs management and the related influencing factors
中文关键词:  专业认同感  公共事业管理  影响因素
英文关键词:Professional identity  Public affairs management  Influencing factor
徐世文1 刘京荆1 张曦宇1 朱亚如1 王丽敏1 陶雨春1 张作明1 那立欣1 聂义珍2 尹慧1 1哈尔滨医科大学公共卫生学院 150081哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院体检中心150086 
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      目的 了解公共事业管理专业学生专业认同感现状及影响因素。方法 采取分层整群抽样法,对哈尔滨某医科大学公共事业管理专业的115名本科生进行问卷调查,问卷内容包括一般情况及大学生专业认同感。采用SPSS 18.0进行t检验、单因素方差分析和多元线性回归的方法分析公共事业管理专业学生专业认同感的影响因素。对部分研究对象进行深入访谈,探寻影响公共事业管理专业学生专业认同感的深层次影响因素。结果 哈尔滨某医科大学公共事业管理专业本科生专业认同感整体水平不高,专业认同感得分为(3.25±0.56),其中认知性维度得分为(3.41±0.69),情感性维度得分为(3.21±0.78),行为性维度得分为(3.24±0.71),适切性维度得分为(3.13±0.72)。多因素分析结果显示,不同年级、学习成绩、是否自主选择本专业和是否独生子女对其专业认同感有显著影响。其中四年级、学习成绩好(b=-0.276;P<0.01)、自主选择该专业(b=-0.277;P<0.01)、独生子女学生(b=-0.233;P<0.05)专业认同感得分高。年级中,以最高年级(四年级)为参照的结果显示,二年级和三年级学生的专业认同感得分明显低于四年级(b=-0.296,b=-0.369;P<0.05),但是一年级与四年级之间未见显著差异(b=-0.008;P>0.05)。此外,专业认同感得分高的学生未来选择本专业就业的可能性高于得分低的学生[(3.39±0.53) vs. (2.92±0.49);t=4.414,P<0.01]。结论 应加强对公共事业管理的专业宣传,优化课程设置,增加岗位体验,继而提升公共事业管理专业学生的专业认同感,最终为公共卫生管理领域的人才储备提供保障。
      Objective To investigate the current status of professional identity among the undergraduates majoring in public affairs management and the related influence factors. Methods A stratified cluster sampling method was used to conduct a questionnaire survey among the 115 undergraduates majoring in public affairs management in a medical university in Harbin, China, and the contents of the questionnaires included general status and professional identity. The t-test, one-way analysis of variance, and multiple linear regression analysis were used to analyze the influencing factors of professional identity. In-depth interviews were conducted for some students to explore the profound influencing factors for professional identity among the students majoring in public affairs management. Results The overall level of professional identity was low among the undergraduates majoring in public affairs management in the medical university in Harbin, and the score of professional identity was 3.25±0.56. The scores of cognitive dimension, emotional dimension, behavioral dimension, and applicable dimension were 3.41±0.69, 3.21±0.78, 3.24±0.71, and 3.13±0.72, respectively. The multivariate analysis showed that grade, academic performance, major selection, and children number in family had significant influence on their professional identity. The students who were at grade four, who had high academic record (b=-0.276, P<0.01), who chose this major independently (b=-0.277, P<0.01), and who were the only child (b=-0.233, P<0.05) had a high score of professional identity. As for the undergraduates at different grades, the undergraduates at grades two and three had a significantly lower score of professional identity than those at grade four (b=-0.296 and -0.369, P<0.05), while there was no significant difference between the undergraduates at grades one and four (b=-0.008, P>0.05). Furthermore, the students with a high score of professional identity had higher possibility to pursue the job related to this major than those with a low score (3.39±0.53 vs. 2.92±0.49, t=4.414, P<0.01). Conclusion Universities should strengthen the publicity of the major of public affairs management, optimize the curriculum, and add job experience, so as to enhance professional identity among students with this major and provide talent for the field of public health management.
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