引用本文:郝玉徽 李娟 冉永红 王双.E-learning环境下PBL在防原医学教学中的应用[J].中华医学教育探索杂志,2019,18(11):1164-1167
Application of problem-based learning in the teaching of nuclear protection medicine under E-learning environment
中文关键词:  E-learning  以问题为基础的学习  防原医学  医学教育  教学改革
英文关键词:E-learning  Problem-based learning  Nuclear protection medicine  Medical education  Educational reform
郝玉徽 李娟 冉永红 王双 陆军军医大学军事预防医学院复合伤研究所创伤烧伤复合伤国家重点实验室/重庆纳米医药工程技术中心重庆 400038 
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      目的 探索E-learning环境下PBL教学在防原医学教学中应用效果。方法 选择陆军军医大学2014级临床医学五年制本科1班(实验组)120名学生和2014级临床医学五年制本科3班(对照组)141名学生为研究对象,对照组采用传统的教学方法,理论课为教师教授理论知识,实验课教师告知方法及注意事项并操作演示后,学生自己练习;实验组采用 E-learning环境下PBL教学,实验课采用核事故医学应急救援仿真软件进行授课。数据采用SPSS 17.0进行统计学处理。结果 实验组学生理论平均成绩(79.61±7.71)比对照组高(73.66±7.89),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);调查结果显示,74.2%(89/120)的实验组学生反映对E-learning环境下PBL教学具有较好的学习体验;72.5%(87/120)的学生认为能较好地掌握防原医学的知识;82.5%(99/120)的学生认为使用核事故医学应急救援仿真软件能较好地熟悉并掌握核事故医学应急操作流程;80.0%(96/120)的学生认为能更好地激发学习和探索的兴趣;77.5%(90/120)的学生认为有助于提升学习的自主性;84.2%(101/120)的学生认为能更好地加深对防原医学知识的理解。结论 E-learning环境下PBL教学应用在防原医学教学中能更好地使学生掌握和理解所学内容,可获得更优的教学效果。
      Objective To explore the feasibility of problem-based learning (PBL) teaching method in teaching nuclear protection medicine under E-learning environment. Methods A total of 120 students from Class 1 (experimental group) and 141 students from Class 3 (control group) of 5-year clinical medicine in Grade 2014 were included. The control group adopted the traditional teaching method, that is, theoretical knowledge was taught by teachers in theory class and practice was made by students after teachers introducing methods and precautions, and making demonstrations in experimental class. The experimental group adopted PBL teaching method based on E-learning and the simulation software of nuclear accident medical emergency rescue. Results Average theoretical scores in the experimental group (79.61±7.71) were higher than those in the control group (73.66±7.89), with statistically significant difference (P<0.05). According to the results, 74.2% (89/120) students in the experimental group had a relative good experience of PBL under E-learning environment; 72.5% (87/120) had better comprehension of nuclear protection medicine; 82.5% (99/120) students considered that the simulation software of nuclear accident medical emergency rescue was able to help them get familiar with and comprehend the operation procedures; 80.0% (96/120) students believed that it was able to stimulate interests for study and exploration; 77.5% (90/120) students considered that it was able to promote study initiatives; 84.2% (101/120) students believed that it was able to deepen understandings to nuclear protection medicine. Conclusion Application of PBL teaching methods in the teaching of nuclear protection medicine under E-learning environment can better enable students to comprehend what they have learned, achieving better teaching effectiveness.
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