引用本文:郝玉徽 王双 李娟 卢丙慧 冉永红 刘晶.核应急医学救援演练教学的组织实施与思考[J].中华医学教育探索杂志,2020,19(8):915-918
Organizing, implementation and thinking of the drill teaching of nuclear emergency medical rescue
中文关键词:  核安全  应急救援  演练教学方法  改进措施
英文关键词:Nuclear safety  Emergency rescue  Practice teaching method  Improvement measures
郝玉徽 王双 李娟 卢丙慧 冉永红 刘晶 陆军军医大学军事预防医学系防原医学教研室重庆 400038 
摘要点击次数: 2193
全文下载次数: 862
      In order to improve our military's medical support capabilities, the Army Military Medical University regularly organizes comprehensive military medical drills, of which nuclear emergency medical rescue is an important subject. Therefore, it is urgent to form a standardized teaching process of nuclear emergency medical rescue drills. Firstly, based on the two major tasks of nuclear emergency medical rescue, and "emergency treatment of nuclear wounded in killing area" and "early treatment of nuclear wounded in developing area," a nuclear emergency medical rescue drill teaching process has been formed, including "reconnaissance, detection, classification, decontamination and treatment". Then, it's applied to actual teaching, and the problems in teaching are found by analyzing the changes in the rescue ability of the students before and after learning. Finally, the corresponding improvement measures are put forward to open up new ideas for drill teaching.
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