引用本文:杜权 张亚梅 但伶 刘祺 徐昆.以问题为基础的学习在麻醉学示教课中的应用[J].中华医学教育探索杂志,2014,13(1):94-96
Application of problem-based learning in clinical anesthesiology demonstration for clinical un-dergraduates
中文关键词:  以问题为基础的学习  示教  麻醉学
英文关键词:Problem-based learning  Clinical demonstration  Anesthesiology
杜权 张亚梅 但伶 刘祺 徐昆 Department of Anesthesiology the Second Affiliated Hospital Chongqing Medical University 
摘要点击次数: 3008
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      目的 探讨以问题为基础的学习(problem-based learning, PBL)在临床医学本科专业麻醉学示教课中的应用效果。方法 将2009级临床医学本科两个班分别分为实验组(45人) 与对照组(44人),结合教学视频播放、教具演示,在示教课中分别采用PBL和传统教学,通过随堂临床病例考核及问卷调查来观察教学效果。对两组学生问题回答正确率及问卷调查结果行?字2检验。结果 实验组学生的病例考核完全正确率(42/45)高于对照组(30/44),P <0.05。实验组学生86.7%(39/45)认为提高了自学能力,73.3%(33/45)认为培养了临床思维能力,75.6%(34/45)认为培养了查阅资料获取信息能力,82.2%(37/45)认为培养了语言表达能力,75.6%(34/45)认为PBL还有利于促进同学间的交流、沟通;同对照组比较,P <0.05。结论 在临床医学本科专业麻醉学示教课中,PBL具有明显优势, 可以增强学生对麻醉学的学习积极性,促进各种能力培养,最终提高教学质量。
      Objective To explore the effect of applying problem-based learning(PBL) in clin-ical anesthesiology demonstration for clinical undergraduates. Methods Eighty-nine 2009 clinical undergraduates were divided into two groups: experimental group and control group. Students in ex-perimental group received PBL while those in control group received traditional teaching. The effect was evaluated according to the results of case examination and investigation table. The results were analyzed by ?字2 test. Results Most students(42/45) answered questions correctly in experimental group while only 30 of 44 students(30/44) did in control group(P<0.05). Concerning the results of investigation, PBL had more advantages than traditional teaching method in the following 5 aspects: self-studying ability(86.7%,39/45), clinical thinking ability(73.3%,33/45), information seeking ability(75.6%,34/45), expressing ability(82.2%,37/45), communicating between students(75.6%,34/45)(P<0.05). Conclusions PBL has evident advantages in anesthesiology clinical demonstration. It can inspire students, cultivate abilities, enhance critical thinking and finally improve teaching effect.
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