引用本文:鲁娟 许放 贺佳.基于研究生视角的创新能力培养有效途径探析[J].中华医学教育探索杂志,2015,14(2):114-113
Discussion on the effective approaches in cultivating the graduate students' innovations from their own viewpoints
中文关键词:  研究生  视角  创新能力  培养  有效途径  调查研究
英文关键词:Graduate students  Viewpoints  Innovation  Cultivation  Effective approach  Investigation research
鲁娟 许放 贺佳 Medical Education Office of Training Department, the Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433, China 
摘要点击次数: 3065
全文下载次数: 203
      目的 分析研究生对创新能力培养有效途径的看法。方法 以某医科院校研究生为对象,应用尤金创新能力测试量表和自制问卷,调查研究生一般情况、创新能力水平及其对创新能力培养的重要环节、有效途径的认识。应用SPSS 16.0进行统计分析,研究生创新能力等级水平比较实施卡方检验;研究生对培养环节、途径的重要性认识情况实施方差分析。结果 共发放问卷1 000份,回收有效问卷936份。研究生创新能力水平主要为一般(557/936,59.6%)和强(356/936,38.0%);在各培养环节中,研究生认为科研及实践环节最重要(F=225.49,P=0.00);在各培养途径中,研究生认为加强导师队伍建设最重要,其次是分类培养(F=50.36,P=0.00)。结论 要重视研究生对创新能力培养的意见,根据本次调查反映的重要方面,应下大力气抓好科研实践环节管理、导师队伍建设以及分类培养工作,以切实提高研究生创新能力。
      Objective To analyze the viewpoints of the graduate students on the effective ap-proaches in cultivating their innovations. Methods Using Eugenie Creativity Test scale and self-made questionnaire, the graduate students in a medical university were surveyed on their general informa-tion, innovation levels and viewpoints of the important links and effective approaches in cultivating the innovations. The statistical software package-SPSS 16.0 was used for questionnaires. The statistical analysis was based on chi-square test for categorical data in the levels of graduate students' innovation and variance analysis for quantitative data in graduate students' understanding of the importance of cultivating approaches. Results 1 000 questionnaires were given out and effective questionnaire 936 copies were collected. The innovations of the students were mainly medium (557/936, 59.6%) and strong (356/936, 38.0%). They thought research and practice were the most important (F=225.49, P=0.00) in the training links and strengthening the tutorial staff was the foremost in the cultivating ap-proaches, which was followed by the sorted training (F=50.36, P=0.00). Conclusion The views of the graduate students on the cultivation jobs should be paid attention to. According to this study results, the management of research and practice, tutorial staff and assorted training should be fully considered to advance their innovations.
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